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5 Free Choice Photos

i adjusted the saturation so that i could make the pink in the sky stand out more. i also darkened the photo so that the house doesn't show as much.  these are Christmas lights hanging from my wall, i took the picture from a low angle under the lights and i use the rule of thirds and put the lights to the side of the picture.  this is a picture i took outside of the school while the sun was first rising. i darkened the photo a little to put the focus on the sky and not as much on the people at the bottom. i took this picture while in the car, i took it focusing on the lines in the sky and the sunset. i focused it on the sky, but while i was doing that the silhouette of the tress came out which made the picture 10 times better.    this was taken at the Shaws by the school. it was difficult making the camera focus on the rain drops on the window but i took it quickly. i turned up the contrast which made the rain drops stand out. i also turned up the saturation t

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